Worrying can give you steady and unrelenting pressure, it is unpaid overtime work that can even threat your health if you continue being focused on problems and continue worrying.
So it is time to do something about it.
When you start worrying the problem often is not there yet, not yet for you and will never be if you take constructive action. Worrying is a stage before a problem really arises. At that moment in time you have the choice to :
Convert potential problems into true problems and dead ends by continuing worrying or to stop worrying and putting all your effort on finding constructive solutions and converting potential problems actually into challenges and opportunities.
The choice is up to you.
This are serious consequences if you Continue worrying namely :
-> Worries become potential problems
-> Potential problems unsolved on the long term become actual problems
One then start complaining and blaming You will have no energy left to find constructive solutions and to take constructive actionThis impassiveness makes that the problem becomes only bigger and bigger.
With other words : You actually cannot afford yourself the luxury to worry and to complain Worrying and complaining create a "dead end" and a feeling that there is no way out. Once you realize that your creative mind will actually not look for solutions but look for whom to blame.
When you put energy into the negative spiral you will actually get the feeling that you need to "fight in your life to survive" In politics you will see a reflection of it . Remember Mccain always saying "I fight". "We need to fight for ...." while putting a lot of energy in the "blame game" and in expressing resentment And Obama focused more on what matters, on communicating constructive solutions and on making people believe "We can, Yes we can" .
Now back to you : You always have a choice whether you want to fight to survive and feel resentment or whether you decide to focus on finding and talking about constructive solutions You can reprogram your 'hard drive' by
1) asking yourself what you can learn from this
2) understanding that the first signs of worrying is your wake-up call
3) being grateful of your critical part that started worrying as you need that critical part to understand that you have to find a solution
4) being conscious that the first signs of fear are there to help us understand what we do not want
5) believing that your potential problem is a great opportunity to change life for the better and that "there is a solution behind every potential problem"
6) Focusing and putting all your energy into a constructive way of thinking
7) Believing that you can do it, can find a solution, can create opportunities
8) Once you have found a solution, believing in your solution, and seeing how this solution will actually be manifested in your life
9) taking action, to make sure that your potential problem never actually becomes a problem but converts in to an opportunity, an opportunity to put things on track, to rebalance and to live life more to the fullest.
If you have managed to stay constructive you will :
1) feel more self-assured that you can tackle any potential problem
2) have more faith that you actually obtain all the skills you need to create what you want in your life
3) feel that you and your capacities are bigger than you thought and that there is actually no limit to your capacities as long as you are willing to move forward.
Now what about you ...?
What is your next step ?
Livia Németh
Inspirator, Empowerer
"How to get to the Next level"
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