Monday, May 2, 2011

Skills for success in your love life

True success in life, true happiness in life requires one of the most important aspects in our life.  A good Loving relationship.

We all need love in our life, but to be truly successful in life we
need especially A Lasting love Relationship.

We can have a great career but if our love life sucks than our life generally sucks as well partly or entirely. Especially if we do not have a good love life for a longer period of time.

For many years people underestimated the importance of learning relationships kills and choosing the right partner.

And it is logical, we did not hear that we should go to school to learn relationship skills! We are supposed to possess them automatically ....

The consequence : the many divorces in today's world.

Unfortunately A divorce does not only create misery for ourselves but also for our children and our children’s children.

A non successful love life has been proven to have a serious impact on the next generations and the society overall.

Simply said, Today’s society is seriously suffering from the consequences of bad marriages in the past. For centuries marriages have been created for the wrong reasons (pregnancy, pleasing parents, unawareness of self )

And today Many people stay single as a result of that; afraid to create themselves a similar bad relationship as their parents.

Honestly it is not difficult to find the right partner and to create a lasting love relationship with your partner. If you know what you want and, are willing to learn the most important communication and relationship skills.

It is therefore time to learn how to avoid a divorce, how to communicate fruitfully and how to date effectively for the right partner. It might be late for many, but it is never too late.

If you consider yourself to be one of the above, it is time to create success
in the most important part of your life: Your Love Life

I suggest you come to my next coming up seminars
8 may - dating skills and networking day
22 may - what men and women want each other to know.

Make Success in your love life possible, for you, and future generations to come.

Livia Németh

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