Saturday, October 24, 2009

Everlasting lifefulfillment

Why is it so important to be fulfilling in life?

Fulfillment is what makes you tick, on a daily basis, like your heartbeat.
If your heart does not beat anymore you are dead. If you have no fulfillment in your life you might still be living, though feel more like surviving than living.

Have you ever had that feeling that you are surviving?
The feeling that you are so called "trapped" because you are not happy with where you are now and do not know where to go.

We can escape this feeling temporarily with drugs, alcohool, adultery, work holism, sleeping endlessly to just name a few.
This will brings us only temporary satisfaction and no real satisfaction.
We will be digging our hole only deeper by not wanting to acknowledge that something is missing in life. True fulfillment. A true meaning for our life and our existence.

We all need this and especially around between the age of 35 and 50, depending on the person, we might be looking for something that will give us true fulfillment.

In our everyday life we can run around; until we become ill or until our relationships breaks up or until we loose our job or financial security. When this happens it feels like it is too late. It is never too late, some people need to dig just a little deeper than others to arrive at a higher peak again later, if they are willing to see it as a temporary low.

If Fulfillment would be representing a colour it would be the colour purple.
If running around would represent a colour it would be the colour red.
The vibration of the colour purple is much higher than the vibration red so if you have more fulfillments you do not need to run around as much anymore, to get the same result.

What will be the advantages of creating fulfillment in your life?
When you have fulfillment in your life, your advantages are:
1. A good feeling about your life, your life has meaning, you are here for a reason.
2. A good feeling about yourself playing the main character in your life,
your role in your life has regained new meaning
3. You will have that sparkle over you that attracts people around you.
4. You will notice that you will receive things, offers, opportunities out of the
nowhere that helps you to strengthen the meaning in your life.
5. You will be able to take purposeful actions, which magnifies the results.

What is Purposeful action? It is an Action with a purpose.

Why is purpose so important?
The purpose for your action is the engine behind the action.
How far would your car get without an engine?

Having passion is like the fuel, you can have the fuel but that is not enough, you need the engine as well.
You can still refuel your passion but, if you do no have the engine, the fulfillment and the powerful meaning in your life, you is stuck.
The more powerful your engine is, the quicker you will get where you want to be.

Does your engine needs a brush up once in a while?
Indeed it does, you regularly need to check your engine, being fulfilled in your life will not last forever, we all have our ups and downs.

So, if you feel that your engine does not work as well anymore as before, and if you feel that your fulfillment in life is lower than before than you need to review it, if you want things to go as smooth as in the past.

So is it possible to have everlasting life fulfillment?

Yes, but you have to work at it, may replace your engine from the past-your life fulfillment from the past, for a new one.

It is not a problem if you have to replace it, replace the meaning in your life, what matters is that you have an engine that is as powerful as you want it to be.

If the meaning in your life is not powerful, and if your energy in your life is not powerful it will not last long and you will be stuck again, whether it is on the highway - in your career, or in the fields of your private life.

Therefore make sure that the meaning in your life is powerful, brush it up or change it when necessary so you can enjoy everlasting life fulfillment!

Livia Németh

Coach, Trainer, Writer

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